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Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:11 am
by Al Hayes
Here is a ride we haven’t seen in a while. It looks like it's going to be above freezing and probably looking more like October temperatures. You still may want to put on your long johns or use your plugins if you're going to ride your 2 or 3-wheeler. Or you could just get in your cage and show up for lunch and it wouldn’t be a “lick-a-miss.” But no matter how you get there you'll be more than welcome to join us.

As I was looking over the archives on our WEB I’m taking the liberty of quoting one of Mick’s long-ago posts saying, “I can think of a lot of good reasons to show up:”

1 Good company

2. Great food

3. It can be an educational experience, getting to sit down to lunch with experts on many subjects

4. Burnt ends special on Wednesdays

5. It's an excellent excuse to get out of the house

6. It's a social experience like no other in town

7. You can tell your wife you're going to a museum

8. It will be good for you to dress up to go out

9. It's the one place you can ride your motorcycle this time of year and no one will question your sanity

These are many good reasons for cold weather Romeo Riders. As a believer, may I suggest one more reason, which should be at top of the list and is the most important one of them all to be considered for the Christmas Season. Are you ready … it is this, “Jesus is the reason for the season!” To my recollection there has never been a better reason for the season, or a gift ever given to humanity greater than unselfish love & forgiveness, for all to celebrate!

On that happy note, this will be our last ride for the year. It will give everyone time to relax, to catch our breath and enough time to enjoy bringing in the new year. I want to take this moment to thank everyone for the support you have shown me all year long. Your kindness and generosity have been priceless, no words could ever express how much!

I wish you all a very “MERRY CHRISTMAS” and that you will experience the everlasting HOPE that only Christ can bring to us! Have a “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” and all the “Happy Trails” you could ever wish for!


Topeka Harley Davidson

2047 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66612


Here is the link to all scheduled Romeo Rides:


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:51 am
by Al Hayes
How could anyone expect any better cooperation with the weather for yesterdays ride? All I can say is to give thanks to the “Lord in heaven” for another great day to ride! I didn’t do the counting but was informed that we had 12 bikes and 18 riders to attend our last ride of the year. Our last Romeo hat was delivered and sold, by our retired Chief of police from Manhattan, KS, Brad Schoen. We can still get T-Shirts online off our website, which is located at the very top of our Eastern KS web page.

Oh, before I quit, I want to give a big THANK YOU to Ruth Schultz for the wonderful homemade Christmas gift she made for me. A while back we were discussing the subject of Christmas treats and I mentioned that I had never tasted that kind of treat. So, she brought me one, a real yummy gum-ball fruit cake … with emphasis on past tense “was.” Sharon & I could not wait until we tasted it last night.

Sharon & I wish everyone a very “MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Hope to see you all soon next traditional “Polar Bear Ride at Green Acres Restaurant NEW YEARS DAY, 2024”