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Appreciation for the Ride Coordinators

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 11:31 am
by JerryM100
You may have heard or read recently about the "epidemic of loneliness" in the US. I think most of the talk is about the effects of the Covid lockdown and social media on the younger generations (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). But this also affects us in the older generations as we leave fulfilling work to retire, narrow our social circles, lose spouses and friends, and generally just slow down. The general recommendation is to get out and do more, stay engaged, and maintain friendships and social engagement. This is where the Romeo Riders come in. 

I am writing this to bring some perspective and appreciation to everyone who reads this on our website and forums because it means you ARE engaged. If you attend Romeo rides regularly or even occasionally you are contributing to your own mental health and others'. Congratulations to you and your friends for taking advantage of this opportunity. 

But also appreciate the long and tireless work of the regional ride coordinators who pull these weekly rides together. Think of how many people get together to share some camaraderie and a nice meal because they made a simple post on a website. Hundreds of people! Every week! It is amazing when you think about it. 

What made me think about this was the long reign of Randy Roberts in his role as one of the best and longest-serving ride coordinators. How many lunches did he host every week over 12 years?! He first registered on the website on March 4th, 2011, and it appears he posted his first ride on April 7, 2012 (may have been an assistant to Roger Shores). But he commented prolifically.  How many people did he touch over the years? An example of A Good Person to all. 

So I hope you take a few minutes to say a blessing for Randy but also thank your ride coordinator and appreciate all of the people you see around you each week. The best tribute to Randy would be to emulate him. Reach out and greet someone you have not talked to before. If you see a new face welcome them to the group. Don't leave it all up to your ride coordinator - we are all Romeos! Make everyone feel welcome!

Jerry M
Romeo Riders Administrator