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Happy Birthday to!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:25 am
by JerryM100
Happy Birthday to!

On this date 14 years ago I went live with a test project and shared it with a few friends that I rode to lunch with. That test project was these forums that we all use today. I set it up and sent the link to about a dozen people for their input and they sent the link to all their friends. And that's how it works today.

Note that I didn't create the ROMEOs, they had been around for many years, but it was only 2 groups and they used email to announce their weekly rides. If you didn't know Richard or Don ('Klem') and get on their email list there was no way to know where to go to meet for lunch. I thought there was a better way to open up the concept so anyone could find it thru a website and just show up and BE a ROMEO. No special invitation required. A pretty simple concept but 14 years ago it was not as common.

So I continue to manage this and approve new subscribers and reject the spammers and change passwords and monitor for objectionable content in the background. Most people on here now don't know me since we moved to Houston 10 years or so ago. But that's ok, I enjoy seeing the pics of everyone having a good time together. (And many thanks to those who continue to take the time to post all those pics!)

The costs are minimal for the Internet hosting service and some software to keep it safe and backed up. I appreciate Mick L and the various ride coordinators 'passing the hat' once a year to keep me solvent. FYI, it takes about $400 a year more or less to keep this going. I am not making any money on this but I certainly don't want to lose money year after year. So it works and it's not a problem and it keeps everyone happy.

If you would like to take a stroll through history look at the message count pages in the upper right corner when you click on the "General Discussion" forum. You will see the numbered pages - click on the last page, right now it is page 36, and it will take you to some of the very first posts we all made in the beginning. Also look at the two oldest forums, the "Eastern Kansas" and "North Central Kansas" forums. Those are the original forums that I created for those guys along with this "General Discussion" forum.

It is amazing how time flies and friends sometimes fall distant. I still think about you guys and I am envious of your ability to get together each week.

All the best,

Jerry M
Houston, TX

Re: Happy Birthday to!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:57 am
by Parkville Rider
Thank you Jerry for all you do to keep the website up and functional. We appreciate your labors as few of us know enough about web hosting to keep things going and safe. If there is anything we can do to make it easier, please let us know.

Re: Happy Birthday to!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:14 am
by kai61
Thank you Jerry for starting this forum for us present/future members of the ROMEOs. I for one enjoy the many benefits of friendships and comradership this place his given me. Thank you 😊

Re: Happy Birthday to!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 1:25 pm
by Harley-Charlie
Belated reply, but - we appreciate you keeping this up and running thru the years! This runs smack on perfect, thanks to you.