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ROMEOs Forums - How To Register For An Account

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:23 am
by JerryM100
ROMEOs Forums - How To Register For An Account

Anyone can view the forums and posts in the Romeos forums but to post you must have an account. Here is how you register.

Go to the main forums web page:

Main front page.JPG

On the right side you will see “Register.” Click there to open a new page.
Registration Terms & Conditions acceptance.JPG
Once you click on the “I agree” button you will see the registration page where you enter your account information.

Registration info.JPG
Here is where you enter your username and email address. Choose any user name you like, it can have spaces (“John Doe”) or punctuation (“John-Doe”) or numbers. You might also want to use a pseudonym like “Superman” or “Harley Rider” or “Roadrunner”.

Enter your primary email address. It is important to double-check the spelling and if you have multiple email accounts use the one where you will see any messages sent to you. Once you submit this page the system will send you an email with your username.

Then choose a password. You can use any combination of letters, numbers, or punctuation. Generally I recommend a longer password with every kind of character. You can keep it simple since this is not a critical website like your bank but you should not reuse a common password like your email account or Facebook or other popular accounts. Ensure you write it down! If you forget your password you can email or message me but I can’t see your password, I can only reset it. So I will choose something for you and send it to you. When I need a good password and can’t think of anything else many times I will choose something like today’s date and a time. For example, Tuesday12/13/20@9:56am. That has all character types, is pretty random, and not too difficult to type. Also, just in case any hackers try to guess it - 12/13/20 was NOT a Tuesday!

Finally, you have to answer the challenge question. This is something you have to know and think about. Other people (hackers and spammers) or automated systems try to automatically create thousands of accounts all across the Internet. It is a common practice to have some kind of challenge that requires a human to know something about the website to answer it correctly. If some hacker from China tries to create an account they probably won’t know or care what ROMEOs stands for.

When you are done with all of that click on the “Submit” button.

Registration complete.JPG
I have set the website to require specific approval for every account request. I only get one or two requests a week but there have been times where automated spammers have submitted dozens of requests over a period of days. During these times I usually just turn the registration process off completely for a week or two. I will see and approve your request in the same day.

Once your account is approved you can then go to the main page and click on “Login” and enter your information.

Feel free to go to the “Introductions” forum and enter some general information about yourself. Where are you from? What bike do you ride? Keep it light and friendly and people may respond and send you a welcome message.

That’s it! Welcome to the ROMEOs!!