Breakfast Ride for August the 26th 09, 09:00am

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Bob Lee
Posts: 83
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:30 pm

Breakfast Ride for August the 26th 09, 09:00am

Post by Bob Lee »

Well , Mother nature once again showed us who was in charge this wednesday at breakfast in Oxford. We had nine ROMEO's total that weathered the morning to breakfast. Two of the nine was of the die hard variety. Bob McCorkle and Rick Linnabary did not let a little rain hold them back. Then there was Junior wege's grandaughter Gracie that rode with granpa to Angie's in the four wheeler. I know that if she had the chance, that she would have rode her Indian. All in all we had a good time visting with everyone at Angie D's. We also had a lady from the Oxford Register/Belle Plaine News that was looking for a story for the Local news paper, and thought the ROMEO's was an interesting group. She said that she would post the story in next weeks paper. Her Web Site is If anyone should be interested. Now on to next weeks breakfast ride. The place is

one and one half miles south of the the Super 8 motel on old highway 77
south of Winfield Ks. The Road is marked as Pike rd. on the map.

Hope to see you there . Bob
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