
Moderator: Roadpounder

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Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:29 pm


Post by shortydfs »

Hello Romeos
Shorty here, Marty is being released tomorrow 01/23/24 He will be coming to my house, because he cannot be on his Own. The doctor put it all out this am, while I was there. He will be on Hospice until further notice, The Oncologist has recommended no more Treatment. My Number is 785-502-0426 If anyone wants to visit him here, please call me first. I was going to try to set up a lunch this week, but with Jobs I am on and him being here ,Its just not feasible for me to do, had to take my Wife to the ER last night, she was in bad pains in her stomach, neck and right side, everything is ok with her, and she is home, was her Hiatal hernia acting up so she has to watch what she eats.Any way Keep up the prayers and God bless you all.
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