To Honor the Memory of Donna Young

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To Honor the Memory of Donna Young

Post by shoresr »

For many years Donna and John Young would drive through the "hood" at cocktail time in their white convertible, playing our favorite tunes, and John dressed in all sorts of fun and interesting costumes, always lifting the spirits of anyone who saw them.

In honor of Donna, and all the great memories they have created for us, the "hood" put hats on our mailboxes and the "parade" rolled once again. It was a great tribute to Donna (and John) and fun was had by all.

Video link

Dear Sheriff Milholland,
This email is to request, if possible, an escort from you or one of your deputies, for a parade in memory of one of Trilogy at Lake Frederick's residents. The parade will take place on Wednesday, July 12th, from 6:30 to approximately 8 p.m. and will be leaving from the parking lot closest to the pickleball courts near the Lodge and Athletic Club and will wind through the streets on the Lodge side of the lake.
The story behind this event is as follows:
During the COVID lock downs two Trilogy at Lake Frederick residents, John and Donna Young of Gadwell Lane paraded through the development in their convertible, one of them dressed in a costume (T-Rex, an eagle, a dog, a penguin, among others), with music blaring. These parades, sometimes accompanied by the Lake Frederick Motorcycle Club, brought residents out to their front porches for safe distanced socializing.

Donna enjoyed decorating her mailbox post with humorous hats for holidays and her Facebook stories of the hysterical antics of her grandchildren Maeve and Oliver kept her readers in stitches.

Sadly, Donna died earlier this year. One Wednesday, July 12th, there will be one last parade, this one in memory of Donna, through the Lodge side of Trilogy at Lake Frederick by the Lake Frederick Motorcycle Club, led by John Young and family members. In addition to the parade, more than 100 residents will be "hatting" their mailbox posts in Donna's memory.
Your department accompanied at least one of these parades in the past and your participation in this event would be much appreciated.
Thank you for considering this request.
Chris Oxford (Mrs.)

and a thank you from John Young

Thanks to all of our friends and neighbors for the homage to Donna last Wednesday evening (7/12, it was amazing. The T-REX motor tour and mail boxes decorated with hats were fun and the level of individual participation was heartwarming and sincere. Donna and I always enjoyed our T-REX trips through the neighborhood during COVID and we often mused about who got the most pleasure, ya'll or us? I think it was an equal joy to all of us.

We will always remember this wonderful celebration of a life well lived.

Thanks again from the bottoms of our hearts,

John Young

Michael DiGeronimo (daughter)

Grace and Maeve DiGeronimo (grand daughters)

Thanks to Chris Oxford for mailbox hatting idea

Thanks to John Osius for arranging a parade

Photo by Denise Husband

Video link
Tribute To Donna Young 7-12-2023.jpg
Tribute To Donna Young 7-12-2023.jpg (76.62 KiB) Viewed 3728 times
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