This forum is for riders in the Shenandoah Valley.

Moderator: shoresr

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Post by shoresr »

Screenshot 2023-07-15 160108.png
Now that ride looks simple enough, RIGHT! 112 miles 3.5 hours out and back to Hawkbill Diner in Stanley, VA WRONG :shock:

Warren had called a breakfast ride leaving at 8:00 am. 3.5 hours, should be back before noon and before it gets really HOT :!: We had a really nice ride down Ft Valley road to Luray, and then onto Stanley. Just this side of Stanley we passed a closed building that no one was sure what the name on it was. After travelling a little further, we surmised that it must have been the Hawksbill Diner, but it looked closed :?: :?: We pulled into the first gas station we came to and inquired as to the location of the Hawkbill Diner. Warren was informed that they were closed this week for VACATION :o

But not to worry, there was an even better place right on down this road, YOU CAN'T MISS IT :!: After going about 10 miles, down that road, we had DIFFINITELY MISSED IT :oops: Now, becoming just a little frustrated, we decided to go back to Luray, we knew we could find something there and that was on the way to Skyline Drive, Great :!: After ride through Luray we didn't find anything. Uncle Bucks had been closed since covid and the pizza place wasn't open. I suggested we go to the Brookside Restaurant which was close to the entrance of Skyline. We had been there before and they had a really good brunch. I knew they would be open for breakfast :!: WRONG, THEY WERE CLOSED :!:

Warren then said, "anyone up for riding on down to Big Meadows on Skyline Drive, it's only about 20 miles further (one way)?" It was close to 10:00 am, this was a breakfast ride, and no one had breakfast. As an incentive, I suggested we go on to Big Meadows, but have a nice breakfast at the Lodge instead of a cold sandwich in a plastic box at the visitors center ;) Since we didn't have any other option other than riding back to FRONT ROYAL to eat, we headed to the LODGE at BIG MEADOWS. The lodge has a beautiful dinning room with a magnificent view of the Shenandoah Valley. Everyone was hungry and we really rode those 20 miles to Big Meadows :!:

AH, BIG MEADOWS, we could finally eat and have a comfort stop. After all, it was now 11:00 and had ridden hard and hadn't stopped. Our luck had not changed, the restaurant did not open till 12:00 and it was only eleven :!: :o :roll:
Arrival at Big Meadows Lodge, finally we get to eat?
Arrival at Big Meadows Lodge, finally we get to eat?
To add insult to injury the restroom was closed. We sat and laughed for 15 minutes, while the guy took his time cleaning it. :roll:
Totally frustrated and almost too weak to ride, we decided to head back to the Apple House in Linden, that we knew was open and had a good BLT. Plus it was very close to C&C where Warren could get his ice cream ;)
Three sad and dejected motorcycle riders
Three sad and dejected motorcycle riders
It was all fun and we had a nice ride, but no one expected to ride for 6 hours and over 225 miles.

GOOD SPORTS, GOOD RIDERS, GOOD FRIENDS, thanks Warren for a fun day.
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