Announcement of Annual Website Collection

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Announcement of Annual Website Collection

Post by schoolmaster »

I shared this background with Area Coordinators last week and Bob Koehn shared it with the KC group today and several asked if I would put it on the website for all to read. So the following information should provide you with some background and history for how we maintain and finance the website.

I believe through communication with Area Coordinators and Jerry M, we have achieved some consensus on management of collection to cover costs to maintain the website. Also, since we have gone through a transition from Roger Shores moving to Virginia and the growth of our group by the addition of a couple of areas and larger numbers participating, it was probably time to evaluate our process and clarify some things. Since some of you are not aware of the history of development of the website I am going to summarize below how we got to where we currently are and how we have managed the transition.

Last year when Roger Shores left he handed me the balance of funds he had collected to add to what I had collected at the Spring Rendezvous. That amounted to $340. He also was holding a $100 anonymous contribution which was basically a one time event. That created a balance of $440. Since their riding season is a little bit different than ours up here, Fox Temple collected in April and sent me $81. Since Northern Arkansas had I believe just begun collecting Leo Clegg sent me $45 in late May to bring our total to $566. That is where the current balance stands today. It is enough to pay the $482 bill to Jerry.

In the past, we have also sent Jerry a little bit more than he needed to at least show our appreciation for his work. I think last year Roger paid him between $50 and $75 extra, but I’m not exactly sure of the amount. If we followed that same practice and send him an extra $50 we would send him a check for $532 which would leave us with a balance $34. I know there had been some speculation that we were collecting in excess of what we needed, as you can see, we have just barely enough to pay the bill this year, and it has taken us nearly a year to collect that amount. The amount has also increased every year so we never know exactly how much we’re going to need until we get the statement from Jerry. When we first started this several years ago the website only cost a bit more than $100 so the amount has probably quadrupled over the years due to increasing technology demands and also the growth of our membership and the addition of extra services (photos, extra capacity, more security). When we first began we could easily collect what we needed by passing the hat at the Rendezvous and cover the cost, but we can’t even come close now, so that has necessitated the collection from each of our groups.

This last year we got money from the Fall and Spring Rendezvous’, Kansas City, Eastern Kansas, South Central Kansas, Southeast Kansas, Southwest Missouri, Northwest Arkansas, Texas and for the first time North Central Kansas. And we still needed the $100 one time contribution to enable us to pay the bill. That is why we need to start our collection with the Fall Rendezvous, fall collection drive from the regional clubs, and finish up in the spring with the Spring Rendezvous and Texas to ensure that we have enough to pay the bill. Yes, we always have a little extra, but we carry it over to lessen the task for the next year. No matter what system we use, we will never be able to collect the exact amount because we never know what that is until September.

OK, with that little history lesson behind us, I am proposing that we begin our annual fundraising to support the website by collecting for the next 3 or 4 weeks, however you think it works best for your group. Try and have your efforts wrapped up by around the end of the first week in October. Roger Smith may or may not collect at the Fall Rendezvous depending upon whether there is a meeting venue where the entire group can meet at one time. If not, guys can contribute through their own Area Coordinator.

The point is, we want to have everyone that wants to contribute to have an opportunity to do so, without it being burdensome to anyone. As a general guideline, suggest that folks toss $2 or $3 and kind of limit it to no more than $5 unless they really want to give more. We also don’t want to pressure anyone into contributing if they don’t want to. I know some don’t use the website, but you all know how important this website is for us to communicate with our guys and to help promote ridership and a sense of community.

When you get ready to send the contributions to me, I do have a PayPal account or you can send me a check. You can touch base with me however it’s easiest for you and we can decide how you want to get the $ to me. I also hit the KC rides regularly and wouldn’t mind riding to one of your rides if I can work it in. (I will be out of the country the last half of October and into early November.)

Granted, we will have money ahead of time, but this way it gives us the spring to collect again if the fall drive doesn’t net enough money. We never know for sure how much we will need until next September. But since the amount has grown, it makes more sense to collect ahead of time so we know we can pay for the website when the bill is due, and if we’re short we still have time to hit the mark.

Thanks to all of you for what you do to promote this group. I know my participation in ROMEO gives me a lot of satisfaction and I’d really miss it if we didn’t have it and I know a lot of you feel the same way. So thanks! Please don’t hesitate to touch base with me if you have any questions. (Randy, will you make sure Duffy gets this message. I didn’t have a solid email address for him and haven’t heard from him.)

Mick Lowe

Hopefully this will answer any questions you might have. If you have any more questions, catch me at one of the area rides or shoot me an email and I'll try and answer your questions. And BTW, I did send a check for yearly service in the amount of $532 so we have about $30 left for "seed money" for next year. Thanks to all of you for your participation in ROMEO! Remember, no one should feel any pressure to contribute and a couple of bucks from everyone who wants to contribute should give us enough to keep us up and running for next year.
Mick Lowe
Lawrence, Ks.

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