ROMEOs Forums - How To Upload A Picture

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ROMEOs Forums - How To Upload A Picture

Post by JerryM100 »

ROMEOs Forums - How To Upload A Picture

Photos add a lot of value to a post, and especially in our forums it not only shows people enjoying themselves but adds some context and value for others to see what the ROMEOs are all about decide if they want to join and ride with us.

So I hope this will help you take more pics and upload them for everyone to see!

To begin, create a new post and enter your text. After you have some text and are ready to add pictures look toward the bottom of the screen for this panel:

Upload a pic 1.JPG
Upload a pic 1.JPG (21.28 KiB) Viewed 4456 times

Then click on “Attachments”

Upload a pic 2.JPG

Here is where you can add pictures. Click on the “Add files” button. Then a new window will pop up on your computer. This is called a “file picker” window and it will allow you to browse to the folder where your pictures are and select one. Click on the picture you want to add and then click “Open”. You will then see it listed in the attachments panel.

Upload a pic 3.JPG

You can repeat this process many times for as many pics as you would like to add.

Note that the pics will appear at the bottom of your post. If you would like to add some information (names, location, etc.) between the pics you can click on the “Inline” button and it will insert some code in your post (don’t change the code text!). To see how it looks click on the “Preview” button at the bottom of your post editing window. The preview will show at the top and your post editing window will still be open below. You can add more text and more pics and continue to click ‘preview’ to see how it changes.

When you are satisfied you can click the “Submit” button and the window will close and your completed post will appear in the forum.
Jerry M
I ride because it frees my mind from the tyranny of petty things.