LUNCH 11 AM, June 21 Lamont Hills Golf Club, Vassar, KS

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LUNCH 11 AM, June 21 Lamont Hills Golf Club, Vassar, KS

Post by schoolmaster »

Looks like the rain may be out of the picture for next Wednesday and it is officially the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER so where better place to eat than a golf club house! They serve breakfast (If you get there before 6 AM you'll have to wait) cuz they don't open until then. But they do serve breakfast until 11 and then they serve lunch. And if you can wait until 11:30 they even have a $5 lunch special but I doubt that many of you have the patience for that. So I'll schedule this for an 11 AM lunch so 10:15 -10:30 makes for a pretty good arrival time if you want to talk to your buddies and you don't really know yet whether you want to have breakfast or lunch or just visit. So let's meet up for breakfastlunchbs at:

Lamont Hills Golf Club
22975 S. Highway 368
Vassar, KS

If you wonder, where the hell is Highway 368, well it's about a mile long in total and it goes north off of
Hwy 268 a little ways west of Green Acres, our other eating place in the dining Mecca of Vassar, KS. If you go another mile or so north of Lamont Hills on Hwy 368 you'll run into one of the prettiest little lakes around, beautiful Lake Pomona. And if you're looking for pie after, you could go to Green Acres but that's not much of a pie run since they're only a couple of miles apart! So I hope to see you for breakfastlunchbspie next Wednesday in Vassar!

Gary has, or will soon have, a map up at the following link:
Mick Lowe
Lawrence, Ks.

2023 Indian Roadmaster
2022 Triumph Speedmaster
Posts: 570
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:13 pm
Location: Lawrence, Ks

RIDE REPORT: June 21 Lamont Hills Golf Club, Vassar, KS

Post by schoolmaster »

The first day of summer brought out a big crowd for the trip to Lamont Hills on beautiful Lake Pomona today. According to Hozer, who was faithfully at his post for a long time, came in flashing 52 fingers at me, so with two ups we probably had 57 or more ROMEOS filling the small dining room, the second little dining spot and spilling into the main dining room which is usually reserved just for dinner. A bunch had breakfast, but when they opened up the buffet about 30 minutes early a big line formed up fast. And at $4.75 for all you can eat, how could anyone pass that one up?
Larry #2 got that BMW into the shade along with golf cart only parking!
Larry #2 got that BMW into the shade along with golf cart only parking!
This food might not have been edible, but the ROMEOS ate just about everything else in the clubhouse.
This food might not have been edible, but the ROMEOS ate just about everything else in the clubhouse.
Randy got quite a ways from home today.
Randy got quite a ways from home today.
Dave was leading the pack through the buffet line.  Nice to have him back riding with us again.
Dave was leading the pack through the buffet line. Nice to have him back riding with us again.
It sure turned out to be a GREAT DAY TO BE A ROMEO! Thanks to everyone who turned out today. I think we made Lamont Hill's clubhouse dining room day today!!
Mick Lowe
Lawrence, Ks.

2023 Indian Roadmaster
2022 Triumph Speedmaster
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