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Re: Lunch 11:00 May 10th Garnett Ks Chinese Restaurant

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:15 pm
by lindad608
Hope most made it home dry. we got caught in a shower. made a stop at Clinton Lake and brought Miss Penny in and they had no problem, just couldn't put her on the floor.
Well, she's not on the floor....
Well, she's not on the floor....

Sorry some pics are turned again. Maybe they won't want me posting anymore..

Re: Lunch 11:00 May 10th Garnett Ks Chinese Restaurant

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:23 pm
by lindad608
Hope most of y'all stayed dry going home. We hit a little rain. Stopped at Clinton Lake to get a National parks pass and carried Miss Penny in as it was pouring. They had no problem as long as we didn't put her on the floor.
Oh, and sorry about the turned pics. Maybe I won't be asked to do it again. ha
Well, she isn't on the floor.
Well, she isn't on the floor.