Ride Report - The Miracle Cafe in Reading, KS

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Ride Report - The Miracle Cafe in Reading, KS

Post by Klem »

Guys what a turnout at the Miracle Cafe. 67 bikes was the last count and at least a couple had passengers. The Cafe had seating for about a third that number and with patience all but three got fed in a reasonable time. Cindy had ran out of special and low on other stuff. The three just thought it easier to go to Burlingame to eat. This proves we can survive as a large group for a while longer, but we all know the day is coming that we will need to divide also. Until then I will do what I can to find us places to go and help the restaurants understand how many will be there and how to best deal with us. As always your help in finding places to eat and your patience with each other and the staff is key to our success.

I found out the the girls that normally help Cindy on busy days were out of town so she lassoed a couple of girls that had never waited tables. So they did a good job with baptism under fire. A second great save was made by Jeanne at Burlingame. I had called to find out what kind of pie they had and Lauren mistakenly told me they had Coconut. Jeanne discovered the mistake and made us a Coconut Cream pie in the time it took to ride from Reading to Burlingame. Nice Job Jeanne.

What I need from you is to find places that have a breakfast buffet or have the ability to serve a fair size group. Larry, looking like he just came in from the rain ask "Where are we going for Breakfast next week?" Well lunch is planned for next week but it is hot enough to start the breakfast instead of lunch. There are a limited number of places that I know that can successfully handle us without going to someplace really big. So if you know of a place that has enough seating, has a good breakfast, maybe a buffet let me know. If we start in early July it will take at least eight breakfast spots and believe me they are hard to find, or at least have been. A big shade tree like we had today isn't a bad thing either.

So ride safe, ride often and enjoy life.

Motorcycles are like Potato chips One is never enough
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Re: Ride Report - The Miracle Cafe in Reading, KS

Post by shoresr »

The Miracle Cafe was very nice. It is hard to get upset when people try so hard to please. I thought they did a great job and who would have thought 60+ would show up. When you have a big shade tree to wait under who minds a wait.

"Patience is the ability to keep your motor idling"

I always enjoy being with you guys, see ya next week!!

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