North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Moderator: Roadpounder

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North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Post by Roadpounder »

I've been running into the old bane of the ride coordinator. Restaurants no longer in business. I've run into a lot of unanswered and disconnected phones lately. Here's a place we haven't been to for about a year and a half. It's up north east in Wakefield. So far the weather looks promising.

The ride is set. We will be leaving the Iron Skillet at 12:00.


Here it is.............. Suzy Q's
614 Elm St.
Wakefield, Kansas 67487

Facebook page........

Web Page.............

Map site.............

11/2/16 My canine alarm clocks went off at 6:30 so I got up to let them out and check the marginal looking weather. Calling up the radar I saw that there was some rain out there and it seemed to be going the same way we were. I got a call from Pad Shea wondering if the ride was still on. The weather looked questionable so I told him I'll keep an eye on it and make a decision a little later. I made some breakfast to stop the growl and let the weather take its course. As the morning wore on I checked the weather several times and it appeared that the rain was starting to fall apart. I made an executive decision. We're going. 11:30 rolled around and with Leo barking his announcement to the neighborhood we headed for the launch pad at the Iron Skillet. There were three there when I rolled up so I let Leo out to make sure the area was safe for all present. He left his odoriferous seal of approval while others rolled in. Eventually Richard arrived on his Star 1300 to complete our contingent. With a total of six we launched. It's Wakefield or bust. As we paraded through Bennington we picked up Bruce Shields and we headed northbound. Arriving in Wakefield I was searching for our destination. eventually spotted a group of bikes and the bikes ahead of me were pulling there. I still hadn't spotted the restaurant until I was well into the parking lot. It was rather inconspicuous in an old mini strip mall. While I was outside scurrying about snapping pictures an unfamiliar face approached and asked if I was Roadpounder. It was Roger Shores from Leawood KS who came out to join us for lunch. Roger is the one who is administering the funds to keep the ROMEO web site going. Thanks to Roger for his hard work and thanks to all of you who kicked in a few bucks to help.

We got inside to find the place was staffed by the the owner and only on other. They were scurrying about feverishly to get all the orders taken and served up. When I finally got all the inside shots and settled in to place my order I opted for the Teriyaki wings. That took me back to my flying days in Georgia. I'd fly to Columbia every night. No not Columbia in South America. Columbia in South Carolina. I used to, when asked what I do for a living, tell people that I fly a cargo plane to and from Columbia. It would raise a few eyebrows. But I digress. While in Columbia we would go out to a local place that had a wing special on Mondays and I'd get an order of Teriyaki wings. At least it would get us away from the airport for a little while.

All bellies full and satisfied I paid my respects to the owner and prepared to head home. In the mean time I was told of a place that had pretty good burgers, so I decided to check it out. After discussing the exact whereabouts of this place I found that if I went south to Junction City and picked up old K40 it would take me right there. It was accentuated by the cursed words "You can't miss it". That's a veritable guarantee that I'll never find it. So off I went in search of a new place to put on the feed bag. I soon caught up with Leon and Richard and fell in trail. Following them to Junction City it was there that my plans fell apart. It seemed that the entirety if Junk Town was under construction. Somewhere I had missed old 40. Being firmly stuck in lemming gear I continued to follow Leon and Richard. Before long I found myself well south of Junction City and Leon took a right. Thinking that they probably knew where they were going I followed suit. As it turned out they did know where they were going. It just wasn't where I was going. By this time I have no idea where we are but I knew it was hell and gone from my planned destination. We eventually came to a stop sign at K15. Well at least I had an idea of the longitude but was a little foggy on the latitude. I finally got Richards attention and he was able to clear the fog and let me know they were going to K4 to take that back home. Knowing that I'd have to backtrack a long way to get to my planned destination, decided to abandon my mission in hopes of completing it on a later date. I fell in line with Leon and Richard on K4 until they split off toward Roxbury and I continued through Gypsum back home to Salina. Although I didn't complete my mission it was still a great ride, a great lunch and a great opportunity to meet Roger.

We had 21 riders from Salina, Minneapolis, Hutchenson, Junction City, Denmark, Lindsborg, Canton, and Leawood, with our high miler being Roger Shores from Leawood at 168 miles.

We were riding Honda, Harley, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, And Moto Guzzi.

Iditerod.jpg (50.24 KiB) Viewed 942 times
Welcome Roger.  Glad you could join us.
Welcome Roger. Glad you could join us.
Last edited by Roadpounder on Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:08 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Post by Richard »

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Re: North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Post by Richard »

chrono adj
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Re: North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Post by kai61 »

Daylight savings isn't til Nov 6.
May the Son embrace you and the Wind always smile upon you…
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Re: North Central Kansas Weekly Ride 11/2/16

Post by Richard »

Kai - chronological adjustment Kai, is merely my way of organizing the postings in order. When an older posting appears on top of a newer post, many times it becomes invisible at a quick glance and goes unnoticed. Actually I never invisioned the confusion of my terminology with the ending of daylight savings time change. Maybe I should use the term bump up as some others have chosen to do at times. Richard
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